As your organization expands, monitoring every vital statistic can become cumbersome. As the number of graphs grow into the thousands, how do you keep track of everything?
We’ve solved that problem with Trends!
For almost a year we’ve been building and testing our new Trend feature. It’s a game changer for big companies who want a fast way to identify what is failing and what is working.
Here’s how it works:
Firstly, let’s define “trend”. A trend is defined as “a general direction in which something is developing or changing.”
Trends have different slopes or gradients.
In envisage we’ve identified seven different types of trends and assigned a color to each:
The Trend feature will automatically identify Trends:
Keep in mind, the trend shading provides a guide of the possible trend, it is not absolute.
Teaching Envisage to Identify Trends
Because trend identification can have unlimited variables, it's not possible to write a program that will cater for every possible scenario.
That's why we included a Machine Learning System in the trend feature.
Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides the ability to learn and improve from experience by recognising patterns instead of being explicitly programmed. (Cool hey?)
You can, in essence, teach envisage to identify trends better using the Flag Feature.
If you see a trend that you think is incorrect, just click the flag icon and change it to be what you think it is over the correct range. The range is the number of values counted from the most recent.
With several thousand users flagging trends as shown above, envisage will become more accurate and more intelligent!
As the Trend Feature develops, we'll include automatic alerts of the different types of trends, providing instant warning of potential trouble or, on a brighter note, notification of stellar performance.
By default, all Account Holders have access to Trends, to set up trends for your team, see Trend Permissions.
And remember, envisage includes Statistics, Org Chart and OKRs and you can try for free on a no-risk 14-day trial. We’ll even help you set up all your existing statistics to make sure you succeed in getting your business onto Envisage.
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