Recommended Reading



Discover the blueprint of a True Team, and the tools you can use to build it.

Learn from Real Life Case Studies of successful businesses who have implemented these practical methods, from the small business operator to a multi-billion unicorn.

The first result was that there was a lot of clarity. People know exactly what they’re doing, and they are very clear about what they need to do. The result is there’s more organization and therefore there’s growth.

— Selwyn Duijvestijn, CEO, DGB Group

There is more predictability. We are more consistent in our ability to produce quality services to our clients, and we have better processes in place to pick up when things need to be corrected.

— Manuel Suárez, Founder & CEO of Attention Grabbing Media & President of Natural Slim


Rise of the Champions

What do stairs, cakes, first dates and fishing have in common? You’ll have to read this book to find out.

Join Jonnie, an over-worked, underpaid, stressed-out entrepreneur who's trying to make his way in the world.

Can a long lost friend save him from financial ruin and failure? Are 10 simple business principles enough to avoid the inevitable tragedy and allow Jonnie to triumph?

Find out in this heart-warming story every business owner needs to read.

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