When I was learning to drive, I received constant feedback from my environment telling me how I was doing based on the results of my actions, not the least of which was my mother telling me to slow down!
Fast forward a few decades and I still depend on this feedback and my mother still tells me to slow down!
Saying that you depend on the feedback from the results of your actions to drive forward your success seems to be almost too simple a statement, I mean, this is obvious to the everyday person. Everyone experiences this. Everyone depends on this. If you didn’t get feedback and FAST feedback from the results of your actions, you’d end up with a lot more burnt hands on stoves!
So why is it that when it comes to business management, the traditional schools of thought suggest feedback through quarterly results? Or at best, monthly?
Feedback from your actions at this rate in business means that you are operating at least a month or TWO behind the situations that are creating the negative (or positive) results.
So what if you could get feedback on your actions on a weekly or even daily basis?
Results Driven Success is the process of measuring the results of past actions to direct future actions to achieve greater success. It is used by companies around the world to improve their operations, identify areas that need attention, spot areas that are doing well to support them and remove opinion and guess work from running an organization.
Results Driven Success is the process of measuring the results of past actions to direct future actions to achieve greater success.
Here’s a couple of simple questions that embrace the essence of Results Driven Success: Did you get the result today that you set out to achieve?
Did everyone in your organization actively contribute to the desired outcome of the business?
If you can’t find out that information quickly, then you’re running a business without any feedback from your actions and you’ll probably burn your hand soon.
The way Results Driven Success is implemented is by keeping track of key results, measured by numbers on simple charts over successive periods. For example, how much income you earned today compared with yesterday or the week before. Or how many new clients you gained this week compared to last week.
Most organizations apply this to sales. But that’s usually where it ends. Don’t make that mistake.
Most organizations apply this to sales. But that’s usually where it ends. Don’t make that mistake. You can apply this to marketing, human resources, financial viability, public relations, production, quality or any other aspect of your organization.
Every individual can track their daily results and see if they are improving or getting worse.
Sometimes it takes a little work figuring out what to track. But if you get stuck, go ahead and ask us via the comments below or Ask us anything. We’ll give you some direction or hook you up with one of our partner consultants or maybe even write a whole blog post about your question with answers from what we have learned over the years.
If you truly embrace Results Driven Success it can turnaround a struggling business, and make it soar. If you’re already soaring, you can increase your speed and take you to levels you didn’t think possible.
To introduce you to some of the underlying principles of Results Driven Success, I recommend that you read Rise of the Champions, it's a wonderful story that demonstrates just how easy it is to start succeeding.
And go ahead and ask if you need more examples of how to apply!