MetaPulse Blog

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Welcome to MetaPulse!

Today we launch a new era in the growth of our company. It is goodbye and hello, the World’s First Growth Management System™ (GMS).

They say nothing is constant except change, but saying goodbye is always hard and especially to a name and brand that has served us so well since 2014.

So why the change?

When I started the goal was to help businesses everywhere grow by providing them with easy-to-see data about their team and provide actionable insights.

We started with graphs and built one of the most powerful systems for measuring KPIs and data across any company, including a trend identification system to provide a rapid, high level “heat map” feeling for every graph so it’s easy to see if it is performing well or needs attention.

Then we built the Org Chart feature providing a way for every team member to know who everyone is in the company and what they do. 

Next we launched Objectives & Key Results (OKRs) and in the process solved the number one issue with team planning by providing a way to align all Objectives and Key Results against the Org Chart, ensuring that the OKRs of every team member are aligned with their managers all the way up the line.

After this we built our Reports and Events features, allowing teams everywhere to track key moments in the company as well as having a place to report situations that needed enhancing or correcting.

And most recently we launched Knowledge, a system I personally have been looking forward to for years, providing companies with one place to store policy, procedures and training materials and track their dissemination through their entire team.  All again linked back to the Org Chart and ensuring that new and existing team members get the knowledge they need to successfully do their jobs.

The above key modules have been flanked by thousands of other features, from complex reporting functions, email and notification systems and even slack integrations.

The system really did allow business owners to “envisage” what was going on.

So again, why the change?

In early 2021, we went to the market and individually surveyed over 50 CEOs of companies with more than 50 staff in every conceivable industry and we found that:

94% of the CEOs surveyed had no way
to track the individual production of each
team member, unit, department, section, division, etc.

On top of that it got worse…

48% of those same CEOs we spoke with
stated that finding and retaining good employees
was their biggest source of frustration.

This was obvious because how could any company that doesn’t know what’s happening with every individual in it, hope to find and keep great employees?

We then realised that every company has a pulse.

And that the strength of that pulse is determined by the vital signs
exhibited by every team member. Cumulatively, this affects the
pulse of the organization itself.

So we thought; what if an organization could monitor its own health, vitality and productivity from the smallest piece of the organization to the largest segment? We’d be talking about what many call metadata: “a set of data that describes and gives information about other data.”

And what if every CEO, executive and team member could have at their fingertips a single system which enabled them to perceive what was going on in any part of the organization right now, while also being able to disseminate knowledge fast enough to empower each employee precisely for their responsibilities and dial into the exact cause of organizational growth and contraction?

We would be talking about accurately and efficiently measuring the pulse of the organization and its lifeblood — something that not only takes the pulse of your company and everybody in it but monitors the vital life signs of your organization with real-time precision.

So we came up with something new:


A revolution in the way businesses operate, helping you to not only keep your finger on the pulse of the organization but on every member’s role in it, so that your organization can rapidly achieve its objectives by helping it’s team achieve their true potential.

And that is why the name change :) captures exactly what we do, from the smallest startup to the multinational companies that use our software every minute of every day.

We are excited about our new name, MetaPulse, being able to frame what it is we do with a single word.

We are very excited about all the new features coming down the line this year.

And most of all we are incredibly excited about helping you, our customer or prospective customer achieve your growth goals through the use of our system.


Know how to grow with MetaPulse! The world’s first Growth Management System™ Application with Knowledge, Org Charts, Statistics, Objectives, Trends, Events and Reports. Try for free on a no-risk 14-day trial. We’ll even help you set up all your existing statistics to make sure you succeed in getting your business onto Envisage. 

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