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Why we don't charge per user and why it matters to you

The most common pricing model for an app is to charge per user with restricted features based on price. Such models range from $10 to $50 per user.

But we decided on an entirely different pricing model.

Rather than charge per user, we decided to charge for USAGE with unlimited users.

It’s a significant difference, both in price to you, but more importantly, in how you use our app.

Here’s an insight into our pricing model and a bold move that sets us apart from the competition…. 

Let’s compare two businesses side-by-side; one owned by Jonnie and the other by Betty. Both have 30 employees and both owners want to track their statistics. 

Jonnie decides to use envisage and pays $20 per month. That gives him 40 graphs and unlimited users. He assigns one statistic to all 30 employees and provides them with a login. He uses the remaining 10 stats for overall company stats such as income, total sales, etc.

Betty signs up for a different app on a per user basis. She pays say $15 per user per month. Rather than have all her staff report their stats individually, she assigns the task to one person in the company, her assistant Sarah. 

Jonnie’s team meet weekly and over time everyone becomes familiar with envisage. They use it daily to set targets, track statistics, maintain the org chart and keep coordinated. At team meetings, everyone looks at the same stats in real time, no matter where they are. 

Betty’s team on the other hand, doesn’t have the luxury of a central coordination point around their stats. They can’t easily track their performance. Stats are reported each week to Sarah who prints them out. When Sarah’s off sick the “stats duty” falls to another person or gets dropped. Betty is constantly frustrated at the delay of the stats each week, missing reports and lack of coordination.

What’s the difference between Jonnie and Betty?

One word: Culture.

Jonnie developed a company culture based on results and assigned the responsibility of monitoring the results to each individual. Betty missed that step and in trying to save money, assigned the responsibility of monitoring results to just one person. 

Our 54+ years of combined experience in business and using statistics has proven these facts: 

Monitoring statistics is vital to the survival and growth of the organization.  

Developing a culture wherein each person is responsible for tracking and monitor their own statistics creates a Results Driven Culture.

If Betty were to implement a results based culture with her chosen app and provide all her team with a login, she would end up paying $90 per month. And here’s what we realised ... 

The user pricing model is a barrier to creating a Results Driven Culture. 

Thankfully Betty doesn’t have to worry, as we can easily import her data to envisage for free and get her on the path of creating such a culture where everyone plays to win. 

Has it worked?

Comparing the revenue of both pricing models, it appears we’re leaving money on the table. But the reality is that as our clients continue to grow, so do we. The more they use our app, the more they prosper. 

And that is why we focus on USAGE and not USERS. 

With envisage, we grow when you grow.

And we wouldn’t want it any other way. 😉

Try envisage for free on a no risk 14 day trial. We’ll even help you set up all your existing statistics to make sure you succeed in getting your business onto Envisage. 

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