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Managing Remote Staff with Envisage

Is your team working from home?

How do you know if the job is still getting done?

How can you see their production?

It’s easy with envisage. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Give everyone on your team at least one statistic that tracks their results - e.g. number of tasks completed, phone calls made, emails answered.

  2. Get everyone to enter their statistic daily, at the end of the working day or first thing the next day.

The benefits:

  1. As the manager or owner, you’ll be able to see how your team is doing.

  2. Everyone will still feel part of a productive team getting things done.

  3. You’ll be able to spot lagging statistics early and help that person or area get their production into the desired range.

We have clients with over 800 staff who have shifted to remote work and because they use envisage, they are able to operate just like they were in the office. Why not give it a try?

And remember envisage includes Statistics, Org Chart and OKRs and you can try for free on a no-risk 14-day trial. We’ll even help you set up all your existing statistics to make sure you succeed in getting your business onto Envisage. 

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